Sunday, March 11, 2012

Challenge 8 and 9

Challenge 8: Three thing you want to say to different people.


  1. I love you guys with all my heart and I respect you
  2. You need to let me be me
  3. You are never there when i need you


  1. Thank you for everything
  2. I love and appreciate you
  3. Just let me be free

Challenge 9: Pet Peeves

Pretty MUCH!

  • Disrespect
  • shaming 
  • ignorance
  • drunks
  • stupidity 
  • people
  • uptight shit heads

And I have to add this.
     If you Fucking annoy me, You just flat out annoy me, and it will be hard for me to be the nicest I can and give you full respect... Just don't annoy me.